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Self Empowerment Mentoring

A conversation based therapy, Self Empowerment Mentoring sessions hold the spiritually focused intention of raising consciousness through healing mental and emotional traumas and transforming limiting beliefs held in the subconscious mind.


"As a highly intuitive empath, clair-voyant | audient | sentient | cognizant, I facilitate sessions by raising my consciousness in order to ‘read’ your energy, which is always guiding the session.  Sessions may hold a focus on revealing and healing a past trauma (this life, or another), support you through the threshold of awakening to higher consciousness, or may travel deeper into the rabbit hole to reveal the matrix of life through exploration of the quantum universe with specific focus on raising our vibration in order to merge with our new earth."


Sometimes it’s all of the above, or something completely different!  As my sessions work from a metaphysical perspective, it is never clear what direction a session will take, but they are always compassionate and non-judgmental… and fun!  Spirit has a great sense of humour ;) ". ~ Tina


While you may come into a session with a specific focus, it’s not always necessary.  The spiritual guidance will always show us what needs to be seen each time.



 The importance of personal commitment                                                                                                               


Because these sessions hold the intention of accelerating consciousness expansion, it is important to be clear within yourself that you feel ready and willing for changes to occur in your life.  

As we are a “YES” based universe, when we say yes to change, it happens!  

The purpose of these sessions is to prepare you to literally step into a new world, leaving that which no longer serves you, to fall away.  It doesn’t belong in your new world, and it can no longer be used, so it’s time to let it go.  Sounds easy, but often we unconsciously try and drag our old ‘stuff’ with us because it’s familiar, and unintentionally recreate old scenarios that perpetuate suffering and hardship in our lives.  Being free within ourselves often takes time and practice… it’s not unlike dipping a toe in the water to make sure it’s not too cold, or not too hot…


While this may sound or feel daunting, it may feel comforting to check in with how the idea of change feels within you… if you feel excited, or a combination of nervous and excited, you are ready.



 How the sessions work                                                                                                                                             


The ideal commitment for personal transformation requires repetition and resonance.  When your “YES” (energetic commitment) feels at least 51% clear within you, the ideal initial time commitment is one session each week, for a minimum of 4 weeks.  


This is not mandatory, however.  While ongoing sessions are optimal for personal benefit (as they build on one another),  you and I may realize the best course for you is every 2 weeks, as this may feel appropriate time for integration between sessions.


The timing, order and number of sessions is always intuitively guided, and after a few continuous sessions we may feel it’s time to schedule more spontaneously, which can be weeks or months apart.  Or to stop entirely!  Only you know best.



 Session Rates                                                                                                                                                             


Single Session     



4 Session Commitment   

$260  ($65 per session)


All Self Empowerment Mentoring sessions are 1 hour in duration, and are available in person, over the phone (Canada wide)

or video call (International).


* Rate adjustments are available to anyone who holds a true desire for these services and would appreciate financial support.  If this is you, please email me to discuss and arrange specialized rates. 




"Tina was always able to bring me back to bigger thinking when my mind was focused on the details.  She brought me back to myself and guided me closer to my own clarity.  She never claimed to know the answers for me but had an intuitive ability to sense what was going on behind my noise and so bring me back to my own knowing and own centre. 

I highly recommend Tina if you want support and love on your journey of learning to love yourself." 


~ Nicole Green





"I am eternally grateful to you, Tina, for helping me find true joy and peace in my life.  Put simply, I have been transformed since meeting you!  I see the interconnectedness of the Laws of Attraction and how the choices I make define the reality I experience.  I have grown so much from our relationship, and know, without hesitation, that I would not be in the place I am today without your expert coaching. 
I look forward to many more years of coaching and guidance from you!"


With Love,
Seattle WA, USA


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